【C104新刊】「Beyound The Arcturus」
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【C104新刊】「Beyond The Beyound The Arcturus」
メロンブックス様に委託しております! よろしくおねがいいたします!


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Some kinda Arcturus forest and Sucy alike

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   ✞ Grab labyrinth ✞

 HO1:385 / Leon Ashfield
 HO2:ヌイ / Allush
 HO3:リンさん / Spica Arcturus
 HO4:Asuda / Sherlock White

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No voy a mentir, honestamente me gustaría ver las representaciones o el diseño que ustedes les darían a Arcturus.

En sí hasta me llama la atención cómo lo representarían como persona, cómo lo ven ustedes a él y qué cambios le harían.

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¡Toda la información de Arcturusmon y Proximamon en la Enciclopedia oficial de
Las digievoluciones de Gammamon que debutaron en su Dim BEMEMORY y que estarán en ya están registrados en https://t.co/rBcATSCxBh💻

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Quantumon conducts trillions of simulations of the future.

Regulusmon theoretically evolved in a simulation, all simulations confirmed that it would evolve to Arcturusmon.

Proximamon is a theoretical manifestation predicted in a simulation on a high-speed computer.

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🔥Con los perfiles de Arcturusmon y Proximamon (evoluciones de GulusGammamon -> Regulusmon) se confirma que son Digimon teóricos analizados en las simulaciones (¿de Quantumon?)

👀Digimon Ghost Game puede darse por terminado al 100% con estos perfiles. https://t.co/PpR8yy0gWd

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Higher quality images of Arcturusmon and Proximamon

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Arcturusmon and Proximaon were added to the Reference Book!!

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And here are Arcturus, Nova and Souhait from Lavender Eyes

They don't have a lot of purple clothes so I had to do what I can for Nova and Souhait

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Arcturus - A fluid and graceful dancer from a planet with icy landscapes. Arcturus' dance style incorporates slow and intricate movements that mimic the delicate formation of ice crystals

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Arcturus from ARTW WIP ... The attempt is supposed to be like a photocard and I'm not sure if Arcturus korean spelling is correct? I just copypasted it, it's supposed to be read from down to up .

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Arcturus headshot for Tempo!

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