I am actually shaking with excitement right now, no sleep for me for the next few days

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Here's an artwork of Io from I'm looking forward to play this game, hopefully I can get in the upcoming Network Test. , ,

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このイラストがChocoDeviCatの看板POPになります✨よろしくお願いします(ˊo̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ˋ)

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And the second sketch for ’s / crossover! This time featuring Io, Mew and Mewtwo!

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そろそろ寝る( ̄□ヾ)ファ~何か面白いゲーム無いかなҨ(´-ω-`)Codevein早く出ないかな_(:3」 ∠ )_それじゃまた明日おやすみ〜シュッ =͟͟͞͞ (¦3[▓▓]( )Oo。.(¦q[▓▓]

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Who is still excited for ?
My sexy anime vampire fix needs to happen. ♥️ 🙏

Photo by Vincent Lee Fotografie

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Hoy me divertí jugando mucho al RECVX con público, hubo hasta chismes incluidos jajajaja. Gracias por el host y por pasaros!!
Nos vamos con el chirri al fresquito!!

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“I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly, Cleeyaaire! 😛🍑”


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