# marklatham onenation cartoon auspol paulinehanson explanation pleaseexplain canberra politics politicians australia westpac bankingrc banking royalcommission banksrc banks big4 profit flatline melbournecup yucatan melbcup melbcupcarnival flemington aprinceofarran rostropovich acehigh melbourne lloydwilliams horseracing cricket davidpeever longstaff balltampering cricketaustralia acb ca davidwarner stevesmith bancroft southafrica cheating breaking winx vrc gowinx coxplatenumberfour winx4 caulfield coxplate thewinx horse springcarnival racing jockey halloweencostume halloween2018 halloween costume coffee coffeetime coffeebreak coffeelover coffeeaddict cafe werewolf america fatacceptance harryandmeghan australianflag redesign harrymeghan princeharry meghanmarkle dukeduchessofsussex royaltouraustralia royaltour republic wentworthbyelection wentworthvotes wentworth wentworthvoted liberals drkerrynphelps kerrynphelps doctor turnbull sharma scomo scottmorrison sydney omo hanson pm primeminister stains whites michaelmccormack barnabyjoyce deputypm barnaby nationals leadership natspill humanrights udhr70 standup4humanrights submarine french budget christopherpyne thefixer business army navy war france springracing carnival benbatl blairhouse humidor operahouse louiseherron everestcup operahouseprotest protest alanjones 2gb racingnsw gambling everest everestrace jornutzon sydneyoperahouse advertising billboard daylightsaving afl aflgf afleaglespies eagles westcoast birds collingwood magpies victoria

Cartoon: Doctors and Fat Patients

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Transcript of cartoon at https://t.co/vqzOfWNt6H.

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You can sleep tight & sound. Humanity is entitled to a social & international order, in which our can be fully realized (Art. 28). Vote for your favorite cartoon: https://t.co/RyDk4MTiZn.

Cartoon by Marco de Angelis via

66 152

Defence Minister, Christopher Pyne insists Australia's $50bn deal with a contractor is on schedule and on
Herald Sun

8 17

Editorial cartoon: President Donald Trump is insulting the physical appearance of porn actress Stormy Daniels, calling her "Horseface" in a tweet about a recent legal ruling.

14 31