Bad employers have a way of placing blame on anyone but themselves.

As a result workers are usually the scapegoats.

Workers who organize & join a union are protected from practices like this & have strength in numbers to hold employers accountable.

19 26

Biden says he’s a friend of organized labor, but he always ready to toss the rail workers unions under the train.

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2 5

The tunnel vision & total lack of empathy some of these company owners have is astounding.

The answer is right in front of them.

Until they recognize that or are held accountable, lets help each other out & support our workers!

17 22

Not the type of monsters we want to see this spooky season or any other season.

20 59

They missed the part where the CEO has a leash on the T-Rex.

41 93

And they wonder why they're having trouble hiring ...

28 115

Cartoon: Fast Food

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50 85