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https://t.co/7U99q5eIdH F*uckboys was an amazing musical at this year's #OrlandoFringeFestival. It remains my top pick. #OrlandoFringe #Fringe2018 #Fringe27 #analogartistdigitalworld #OrlandoUrbanSketchers #UrbanSkethers
Aquí, els dibuixos presentats a #Ciutatverda #urbansketching #Natura #Ciutat https://t.co/o6hlP6zKEk
https://t.co/x946ZDlVeC #knpr radio interview in #LasVegas about memorial collecting after tragedy. #analogartistdigitalworld #UrbanSketchers #OrlandoUrbanSketchers
红四门(迎晖门)初建于明正德十一年,1933年初,中国工农红军第四方面军在总指挥徐向前等率领下进入川北,将此门改称红四门。小学6年,高中3年,每天上学都穿梭于此,下面就是菜市场.每逢放学,更是人来人往,热闹非凡.#UrbanSketchers #sketchnotes #Watercooler
Here's some #SBSsketchbookinspiration from our fakulty member Lynne Chapman: Demo sketch as part of my #urbansketching workshop in #Perth on the #UWA campus, as part of my period as #artistinresidence
The view from the street where I live. Pen & @CASSART watercolors in @strathmoreart sketchbook. Drawn while waiting for @Uber Express Pool pickup. #SanJose #SantaTeresa #urbansketchers
My three companions musing on the crossword #thedailysketch #sketchbook #quicksketch #peoplesketching #urbansketchers #onholiday
Sketch in front of dried seafood store in Hong Kong.
#watercolor #sketch #sketchbook #urbansketchers #usk #illustration #pleinair #painting #watercolorpainting #watercolorsketch #stcmill
Close standing houses #urbansketch #Artmagenta10may18 #sketchwalker #moleskine #sketchcrawl #urbansketching
Italy #thedailysketch #urbansketchers #bigartboost #sketchbook #watercolour #draw365 #draw2live Bockingford
Borrowdale #thedailysketch #urbansketchers #bigartboost #sketchbook #watercolour #draw365 #draw2live Bockingford
Art Class May Challenge. Day 9. An urban sketch every day. #Urbansketch #MayChallenge @USK_Cambridge @CamOpenStudios #CambsCreativeTreasures #Cambridge #ArtClass #sketchbook #Drawing
Join me for an Urban Sketching workshop in Las Vegas on June 11th. Details and tickets here: https://t.co/LGGX0Rghys #usk #urbansketch #artworkshop #LasVegas
更新一张,还是家乡拍的素材.局部人为处理了下.#sketchnote #watercolor #sketchbook #urbansketchers #Sketching
Early morning #thedailysketch #urbansketchers #bigartboost #sketchbook #watercolour #draw365 #draw2live Bockingford
Aquí, els dibuixos presentats a #Ciutatverda #urbansketching #Natura #Ciutat https://t.co/o6hlP6zKEk
Day 4 of the #MayChallenge. This is Winnie, one of my students, who was concentrating on her painting. @USK_Cambridge #UrbanSketchers
Kirsebergs Church in Malmö #urbansketch #Artmagenta3may18 #digitalillustration #urbansketching #usk #moleskine #sketchwalker #drawingfromlife #Artmagenta #cityscape