Someone told me that there's a version of Hedorah that uses mushrooms and fungus rather than pollution
So I wanted to draw my own version of that

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Is there a really a need for any kind of single use plastic in restaurants?

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Of course we wouldn't be in this mess if we didn't have so many single use plastics...

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Like, my reindeer doesn't have eyes, because, the pollution man. It's ruining their like, DNA, making poor fuckers blind. Protect the environment peopl.

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HIGH particle in London by Monday as wind slows and idiots burn wood illegally in We need a new that closes current loopholes! HT ps tell by 27 Feb

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We need not worry our silly heads with the mass pollution created by industry, because we’ve put our newspapers into the blue bin. Charlie Adley's Double Vision: Welcome to my Random Rules Of Recycling!

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Shrimp really really like eating plastic.

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Air quaity index from European Environment Agency

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❤️ POLLUTION MASK now on beautiful products ❤️

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Ten trends that marked urban mobility in 2017 (alphab. order):
1-Air pollution
2-Autonomous vehicles
4-Dockless bike sharing
5-Electric vehicles
6-Healthy mobility
8-Mass transit development
9-Ride hailing and sharing apps
10-Walking and biking

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Fascinating: Meet the animals & plant sentinels that help scientists keep an eye on the environment

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の新作あげておきます。雷電Ⅴより、Unknown Pollutionです。クリスタルのパーツが見つかったので、ようやく作ることができました。今のところ2種類作ってますがどっちがいいでしょうねー。

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