The Praying Mlantis aliens are the main ambassadors for the Galactic Federation with headquarters on Sirius B.

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Maria Orsic (born in Zagreb) was the leader of a fictional 1920s secret spiritual society called the Vril Society

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Oxalc is a spiritual guide born on Ganymede (moon of Jupiter). A "mind doctor" and expert telepath, he lives in the Crystal City.

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran have been on earth for a long time hidden in the underground bases of Antarctica.

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Beautiful SKY GODZ posters in 3 different sizes are available as high-quality metal display posters from DISPLATE.

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The Greys originating from the Rigel system in the Orion cluster are the most wide-spread Grey races in the universe.

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Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, made it his mission to revenge his father's murder by Seth and regain reign over lower Egypt.


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The spacebrother would have most likely traveled through the vast distance of space through portals or stargates.

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Commander Anton from Alpha Centauri is the man in charge of the Silver Fleet of the Galactic Federation under Sheran Ashtar.

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Making-of the Zeta Grey character art. Left the pencil sketch and to the right the finished colored pencil version.

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Ancient astronauts came from the skies to earth to become the gods of ancient times. SKY GODZ, the animated series, is their story...

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Beings from the Pleiades use predominantly crystals as a source of energy and healing.


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Astor is a commanding officer at the Galactic Federation headquarter on Sirius B and also a member of the Solar Cross.

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Three powerful Federation Commanders including Ashtar Sheran himself.

Did I mention that you can also get Ashtar coffee mugs now at:

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Beings from Alnitak in the Orion belt are peaceful, highly evolved and part of the Orion League.

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The Orion Empire is a nefarious group from the Orion constellation hellbent on dominating the universe. 👾👾👾

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The Akonowai are a beautiful and coloful race of Sirians from the 3rd planet of Sirius B.

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This specific race of Zeta Greys is very advanced in hybridization and established the Essassini colonies.

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