Title: Mighty Final Fight
Year: 1993
Platform: NES
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom

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Title: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Year: 2010
Platform: PC
Developer: Telltale Games
Artist: Steve Purcell

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Title: Valis: The Fantasm Soldier
Year: 1986
Platform: MSX
Publisher: Telenet
Developer: Telenet

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colo colo, et y'a le trailer d'halloween qui est sorti et j'aime bien la dernière scène avec le placard.

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Title: World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Year: 1992
Platform: Mega Drive
Developer: Sega

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Title: Shiryō Sensen: War of the Dead
Year: 1987
Platform: MSX
Publisher: Victor Musical Industries
Developer: Fun Project

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Title: Legion
Year: 1990
Platform: PC Engine
Publisher: Telenet Japan
Developer: Renovation Game

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