I saw and thought wow, time to draw pre-col Philippines with a long ass headcanon based on all my readings. I knew my anthropology degree was going to be useful someday 😂

22 84

Textbooks often treat Homo habilis as a common ancestor for all later species in our genus. But the OH 7 mandible shows that this may have evolved quite differently from other members of Homo.

17 84

The distal femur of an early like Australopithecus africanus is among the most humanlike parts of their anatomy. The angulation between the femoral shaft and condyles reflects habitual bipedal gait.

6 21

Man After Man : An Anthropology of the Future (1990) by Dougal Dixon has been a huge influence on my writing.

4 7

omg yall,,,, help me stall on my anthropology of art paper /hj

0 9

The skeleton from Saint-Césaire, France is one of the last known Neandertals and lived some 42,000-40,000 years ago. The individual suffered but survived, at least for several weeks, a sharp force injury to the head.

33 121

Australopithecus anamensis is the earliest known of its genus. Its diet seems to have concentrated on woodland foods more than the later Au. afarensis or Au. africanus, within a habitat with mixed trees and C4 grasses.

14 58

Sangiran 2 is the earliest fossil with endocranial hyperostosis, an abnormal growth of bone on the internal skull surface. This is relatively common today in women over age 65, but very rare in men. The causes of the condition remain unclear.

11 43

I was inspired by a cute dress on Anthropology and figured I’d create a new OC while I’m at it lol feel free to leave some name recommendations 😊

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In we try to make careful use of fossil evidence that may not be beautifully complete but preserves valuable evidence about extinct species. DH4 is one of my favorite fossils, revealing the interaction of skull size and musculature in

3 33

The archaeological record of Flores shows that Homo floresiensis must have been a highly competent stone tool maker and user. The tools left by this show that large brains and humanlike wrists are not essential to technology

31 108

🕸️My original character:

22 years old, anthropology student

0 1

The fossil remains from Zhoukoudian were fragmented and damaged, with more than 50 individuals mostly represented by one or two fragments or teeth each. The damage may have been made by the extinct cave hyena, Pachycrocuta brevirostris.

10 44

The occlusal surface of the molars of Paranthropus boisei is three to four times larger than that found in today's humans. The premolars of this are enormously expanded. But the canine and incisor teeth are human-sized or smaller.

9 44

When Robert Broom began to find fossils at Sterkfontein in 1936, the record quickly grew to encompass several individuals. The growing evidence at last brushed back anatomists who had maintained the Taung fossil must be a recent ape.

9 29

A hint of the social behavior of early Homo erectus comes from the earliest known to survive with near total loss of teeth, 1.8 million years ago. Some wild primates also survive years with little functional dentition.

33 100

Paranthropus was a biped like today's humans, but may have used its legs a little differently. Some researchers think the species was climbing more, others point to the dynamics of a relatively wide pelvis in this

11 56

The femoral morphology of represents a human pattern of walking and running with a relatively wider pelvis. The proximal femur evolved to solve this functional equation.

13 27