Le Rakugo à la vie, à la mort

Outre le dessin de l'autrice que j'aime beaucoup, la beauté de ce titre vient sans doute de la finesse avec laquelle est dressée la psychologie des personnages et le questionnement autour de la transmission de l'art du Rakugo. Indispensable!

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Solstice Blackstarr weaves magic into new, powerful spells with finesse. (from Soul’s Spiral)

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Mariée depuis plus de vingt ans, Élise tombe amoureuse d'une femme. Elle aime pourtant toujours son mari. Avec "Walk me to the corner"(), la Suédoise Anneli Furmark sonde avec beaucoup de finesse la complexité de sentiment amoureux et son évolution dans le temps

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How does Rin plan to keep rowdier Pokémon in check?

With finesse, that's how.

🎨: nyahpa20

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The was categorical
the future is historical
and told with oratorical
her words are metaphorical
her symbols allegorical
but he will gain meteorical

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I was OBSESSED with these outfits and also she’s beautiful😭💖some silly little closeups!! I completed this using the flat procreate paintbrush only (it was a phase) so pls excuse the chunky-ness & lack of finesse!!💖💖

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Found the sketch I originally wanted for the Amin Wheezer emote, so got the flat colors down. Now time to finesse the lineart more, the shading, the everything~

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"This is a situation that requires tact and finesse. Fortunately, I am blessed with both."

My favourite Doctor (joint with the Twelfth Doctor). The Sixth Doctor was MAGNIFICENTLY played by Colin Baker and what a bloody good Doctor he was!

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These are all examples of my first time EVER painting planets. Free hand as well. Once you understand what the textures you’re viewing are trying to achieve you can literally paint whatever you want for the first time ever and finesse it. It’s all technical.

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Unity gets flak because it's easy to get your hands on and to make functional games, making it the go-to for "shovel-ware games". But as with any engine, it takes a lot of finesse, skill, and experience to make an exceptional game. Here's more great games made in Unity.

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with lupine FINALLY designed finesse is complete

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An adorable chibi comic of me and Dodger, TittyBat's bat OC, doing some lewds in our small bakery. The artist perfectly finessed the wholesome chibi-style with the lewd scenes thus making it a unique blend of adorably-lewd.

[Art by ]

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Finral Langris Finesse TS

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une superbe autrice de Des personnages féminins modernes, décalées et hors des stéréotypes de certains shojos. et sont des bijoux d’humour et de finesse à découvrir!

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Magus: "I can't really use this hand that well anymore"

Me: "Ok so use the other one..?"

Magus: "There's a certain amount of finesse to a rapier."

Me: "As with serving fancy drinks, what's your point?"

I'm not petty at all...

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Les illustrations d' nous transportent dans un voyage vers un Japon onirique. 💭

Du 28 octobre au 4 novembre, vous pourrez admirer ses aquarelles alliant finesse et poésie.

RDV demain soir à partir de 19h, pour le vernissage en présence de l'artiste !🎉

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Our MINT tx lived in twilight zone for whole 9 hrs and 50 mins 🎃
With finesse and skillz, dodged the flesh eating miners and got us the NFT for $37 fees

ETHs scary tactics and spooky GWEIs are not enough to stop the honest snake oil trader

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Level: Ultimate / Mega
Attribute: Data
Special Move: Menuet Mortel

"An elite Plant Digimon of regal bearing and utmost finesse. They are known to hold exclusive balls where they dance gracefully under the moonlit sky."

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