“Awa Odori (awa dance festival )”
Drawn by N. Inazawa
Color: Mihara Daruma Red
by N. Inazawa

Enjoy Color Journey.

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"Yearning To Be Free"

162 on Strathmore Vision 140lb cold press watercolour pad. A bit rougher than I'd prefer. After a certain point, ink began to feather. It doesn't take too much from a nib to muss things up… https://t.co/8R7E2fBU4p

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Spring is coming to an end and we're just in time for some new colors. Shading inks have always been a favorite among fountain pen users, and there have been a few standout colors from here and there. Here is our attempt at making some!

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Another of just because I always feel well cared for when I’m there - what more can you ask for? A real Drawn with & a dash of

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Lol it’s been so long I forgot the ink in this is not waterproof! It’s okay though! I like this loose look! . so glooommmyyyy outside!

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So this little piggy is off to the printers. Whew. Five years down.... 😅 and only 7 more to go! 🐁🐃🐅🐇🐉🐎Need to choose my ink & load up the for my annual writing marathon 😊

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... although I do the same thing with canned tuna, so maybe it's more my problem...

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"If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write." - Martin Luther!

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