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I get to play my fabulous wizard boy again tonight - so here’s a throwback to his original design where he was the BBEG for a homebrew campaign!! 😈🖤✨

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This is Ayako, the arcane-tainted sorceress from my homebrew fantasy world "Dark Spawn".

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Hey hey! I'm Mowse and I've been working on illustrating my own homebrew magic items!

I post weekly here with Item Cards, Art and bonus weekly/monthly exclusives over on Patreon!


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Meine erste komplett eigene Homebrew Kreatur ✨️🌿
Transmutation Hound - Kontakt mit der Kreatur resultiert in Acid Damage- und es kann explodieren in MEHR Acid Damage. Ob die einen Alpha haben?🫠

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These guys from used GameStop covers has installed The Homebrew Channel!

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Kirsh! He's my brand new orc/tiefling fighter for a homebrew campaing 🤩

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[commission] This is Ophelia, belonging to a homebrew race called an Unshattered whose horns, hands, and tips of the hands are transluscent like glass!

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Updated Felrin Ref cuz I forgot to draw the freckles, cc scars and the tribe markings. This is Character. :3 Homebrew race Glass Elf from my campaign.

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tysm for the thread! First one is Arios, he's a sailor boi. Second one is my Kalashtar and her quori, Kouesugi and Uesugi (yes I made her in a homebrew campaign)

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My DM needed some Reference Art for one of his Homebrew Elves so I went ahead and helped him out with this little cutie with totally zero sinister vibes or whatever...it feels good to help flesh out their world.

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This is Ruthie, a young witch from my homebrew fantasy world "Dark Spawn".

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My current baby is Joy, she's my DnD monk and I love her! She is uccompanied by Jack who belongs to a friend in my campaign.
They homebrewed a clown race and I love!

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Stage 1, 2, and 3 | Revamping my first homebrew world map after 4 years of developing mapmaking skills.

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I feel like I'm on some trip with this one, a lovely D&D homebrew character I made for a game, enjoying the more chaotic energy.

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A creature (New PC) who hears a constant rhythm in their soul that they blare to the world through the didgeridoo. LIVING ON A PRAYER WITH A 6 IN INT LOL
Nameless, you can call em whatever 😌
Any pronouns! Also a towering 6'5

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>be me
>take 4 months to homebrew D&D class for ninja
>finally finish it
>start thinking about bard
>finish bard build within 24 hours of posting ninja

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Madam Akea is a Tea-Merchant who's bardic performance is serving tea. It's... mechanically imperfect & homebrewed some, but I still love the concept. She's a vengeful woman who's dedicated her life to bringing about the ruination of her state by poisoning Officials. https://t.co/BiWagtGhUq

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