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The diagram of the trigeminothalamic system.

Source: Peer Assessment of the Medical Neuroscience course

53 216

I redrew my old OC, made her a new look. If I say so, she is my imagination in somekind of human form. :3 I can’t deny it!

1 1

Diabetic retinopathy occurs when high levels of blood sugar lead to damage of the blood vessels within the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

Source: Choate Eye Associates

67 244

Neuronet + my corrections in photoshop

6 37

Apparently, 8 hours is bad for people... Some neurologist made a video about it, but I didn't watch. I'm old enough to remember when eggs were good, bad, back to good, maybe not so good, only the white part is good, etc. Science is so fickle.

I'll just wake up when wake up.

0 1

This is an illustration I made for ADHD NORGE, I was tasked to illustrate hyperfocus.
More of me here:

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Neural model of resilience to trauma—pre-trauma factors, peri-trauma predictors of resilience, and recovery factors.


139 441

A bunch of meme drawings of Neuro-sama and Vedal that have built up over the month: NeuroBeast, Amogus-eyed Neuro and Burger King foot lettuce Vedal.

1 13

EVERYDAY IS A TOXIC DAY with meet the Head Coach of Nags Neurotoxic Toxins Coach Thompson AKA Toxic Tommy when asked his motto he replied "Mind Over Matter" LFG

1 5

The core brain system that mediates past and future thinking.


57 219

Threat regulatory neurocircuitry across species.


20 47

Me mate cada neurona de mi cerebro por este dibujo (no le quise poner nombre por la flojera🤙✨)

6 18

Autism is a Neurotype, not a superpower.

All forms of Neurological development are Equally Valid and Equally Valuable

11 48

(some doodles below) That is not to say they are any less intelligent than other iterators, they just have to share all resources and are prone to isolating themselves as they can speak to eachother near instantly through their neurons and images (Think 3 and 4 from the movie 9)

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