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Small biomineral crystals are used to build bone, eggshells and even tiny compasses
More at PDB-101s Molecule of the Month: https://t.co/QWvaV9TvRI
Chemical probe can help regulate an essential signaling pathway in cells
Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB: Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB: https://t.co/yqW0worfTl
Our @EBItraining webinar on Wednesday afternoon will introduce you to the new PDBe-KB Aggregated views, which present PDB data in a different context. Sign up here: https://t.co/zDvQKo9iGT
Sitting deep within the ligand-binding pocket of the serotonin 2A receptor, the antipsychotic drug zotepine is new in the PDB today.
Published @NatureSMB it's one of the new structures available at
Figure 1- ligand binding domain of the human androgen receptor (AR) bound to dihydrotestosterone (purple) and a Uba3-derived coactivator (dark blue). PDB ID 5JJM
Figure 2- ligand binding domain of the human estrogen receptor (ESR1) bound to estradiol (purple). PDB ID 1ERE
Molecular Machinery That Makes Potent Antibiotic Revealed After Decades of Research @RutgersResearch https://t.co/LRqG1xgfGy
Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB: https://t.co/45cukU56Sy
What do you think is the element with the largest atomic number in the PDB?
Iron–sulfur clusters have no right angles, but how many of the almost 1000 in the PDB have the correct angles?
Ligand SF4 #structuresonthecover of @ActaCrystD
@ewanbirney The 10th of @ewanbirney's #12genesofChristmas is ACE! A selection of drugs inhibit it, several of which are in the PDB, best explored in our Compounds tab
A novel fold! PDBeFold (https://t.co/7W1kyhxBPG) confirms LOB domain of a wheat transcription factor just published @jbiolchem has no structural homologues in PDB
Happy Birthday to Irving Geis, a pioneer in molecular illustration born #OTD in 1908. Explore his illustrations and career at PDB-101
Digital Archive of images: https://t.co/9rP7QAmKqJ
Irving Geis and Structural Biology Timeline: https://t.co/um8OEW7sHY
Hartmann et al @MPI_for_DB explore the chemical ligand space of Cereblon in @ACS_Omega. These are 9 of the 349 structures new in the PDB this morning at https://t.co/54E03LeH5m
A Change in Bacteria’s Genetic Code Holds Promise of Longer-Lasting Drugs https://t.co/XBkdoomOKg Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB https://t.co/J8P4Dg6FHc
Isidor Isaac Rabi, who discovered nuclear magnetic resonance, was born #OTD in 1898.
About 10% of structures in the PDB are determined by NMR, including https://t.co/BaST9IH9QZ solved by @tsba98
#SickleCell disease is caused by a glutamate to valine mutation at position 6 in the beta globin chain.
There are several structures of the sickle cell variant in the PDB, including https://t.co/Mbv89TCW8m
The 3 oldest structures in the PDB are date stamped as released #OTD in 1976! They've been in the archive for 42 years
Photosynthetic protein structure that harvests and traps infrared light https://t.co/gK2yViKjPE
Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB: https://t.co/W3XMk2cOzp
High resolution details of F598–PNAG interactions unravel the structural basis for antibody-based targeting of multiple microbial pathogens
Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB: https://t.co/luZvYy4x7i
#starwarsday Episode III:
YodA protein in PDB there is. Binds metal it does.
That's no metal...!