Be wary of the God-Touched for it is unknown how these men have come to obtain the power of the gods. Many wield this power without the means to control it.

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An art trade a year in the making but here we finally have Asbjörn!! I really liked his design so I had to give it a go!

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Introducing the Berserker class:
It is thought that they're born with giants blood in their veins. These are the mightiest of warriors obtaining beast-like strength.

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Every time a Witch communes with the gods and practices her given gift, she is potentially granted more ability and power. Strong spellcasters by nature and respected as such.

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Introducing the Archer class: Originating from Sverige, these warriors are skilled at ranged attacks and light on their feet.

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The Hermadur has classical training combat and has often belonged to a militia. Many protecting faith; others fleeing from it.

Pre-order discount end June 30!

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Character creation is essential in Jordenheim RPG.

Introduction Hermandur, Witch, Archer, Berserker classes for Jordenheim RPG. Be sure to follow to learn more!

Pre-order discount end June 30!

0 1 I am with some concept art for my pen and paper character Canute Stephens (he is for the RPG "Monster Of The Week")

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Dwarves really do like to live underground. However, some dwarf families live alongside humans in the cities

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Blessed Ones of Rondra are at the front line when humans face dark powers.

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Black mages are not all villains just because they use black magic.

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Dive into the history and lore in this sneak peek from the Jordeheim RPG: Core Rule Book.

Pre-order today and save.

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Most elves try to live quiet lives in harmony with nature and far away from humans and their cities.

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I accepted a fellow artist's challenge. XD
I couldn't resist to not do it. XD

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