One night a star asked me:
"Why don't you leave him if he makes you cry?"
I answered:
"Star, did you leave your heaven?"
Nice evening everyone! 💫💫💫

24 74

"Se non si hanno storie da raccontare, si può sempre porgere un orecchio ed imparare ad ascoltare". G. ☺️👍 Una buona serata a tutti Twitterfriends. 🖐️🙂 🌟 Saluti, 👋 G.

42 91

A new week is upon us. Let's end by posting a GIF of what you did this your fellow and make new

11 31

my and lot’s of are great to get you going. I’m and querying and looking for an for my my what is your

1 1

This is a massive to all my who and support me in my and the is just I am very to be part of it. Keep being

0 1