Now online - check out our fabulous LICAF LIVE workshops! Start with 'How to write for comics with Joe Kelly' shares an insight into his writing process for comics. Watch the workshop here...

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Has arrived early?


October is Halloween ALL MONTH LONG on Nadaness In Motion!

And this year's features artwork by

Have a look and let those juices flow!

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The October and is up on the blog and features stellar and scary from

Look at the picture and let it inspire you!

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"This isn't a war," said the artilleryman. "It never was a war, any more than there's war between man and ants."~H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

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Who wants a preview of the next, desert-themed Wayfarer's Deck? Doesn't really matter, you're all getting it.

As always, delivers on the eerie and the mysterious *chef's kiss*

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Craft Tour Own Tale 3-

The rules are simple:
-Build a story based on this image.
-Make it short enough to fit in the comment section.
-Have fun!
(Bonus points if you give your story a name :)

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"To love someone enough to let them go, you had to let them go forever or you did not love them that much."~Diana Wynne Jones, Fire and Hemlock

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