The amazing Night on Bald Mountain sequence from Walt Disney’s Fantasia (1940) was directed by Wilfred Jackson. Chernabog was animated by Ukrainian artist Vladimir Tytla...

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Studio Ghibli's magically weird film 'Howl's Moving Castle' is loosely based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. It is creative genius Hayao Miyazaki's favourite of his films and incorporates his views on the futility of war and the positive aspects of ageing.

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If you love cats, Ghibli films, and really weird films, you should definitely check out 'The Cat Returns.' It is a bizarre but magical tale that includes talking cats, nocturnal cat parades, and an entire kingdom of cats that act like humans.

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I've not got anything for this week's so I'm going to have a cup of tea and do some lurking and a-liking! Plus here's a gif from my one of my favourite Studio Ghibli films. Have a good day all!

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Different times, 1950s Goofy and his addiction to nicotine.

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Wolfwalkers! Follows Robyn, a young apprentice hunter who journeys to Ireland with dad to wipe out the last wolf pack! Meets Mebh (member of tribe said to have ability to transform into wolves) & her mum goes missing! Weird animated film 🐺

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Comic book ad, by Mr. T. for Saturday morning cartoons. Based around the slogan "We got the Jazz." The lineup including Mr. T's own cartoon were he played a gym coach.

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Bonus Monster: Coppernail fiend
The zheztyrnak, or coppernail, is a fiendish creature that troubles the people of the steppes. A demonic being who appears to be a beautiful young woman, she has long copper or brass talons.

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In Wales, many people would be happy if a bwca or bwbachod (a goblin that cleans your home) took up residence in their home. However, these goblins are infamous for their hatred of teetotalers, and will often kick or throw plates at someone who refuses alcohol.

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In Norse mythology, the god Thor joined a drinking contest with the giant Utgard-Loki. He agreed to empty a huge drinking-horn in three gulps. Unfortunately, the horn contained the sea and refilled as soon as Thor had emptied it.

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It was all very well to say “Drink me,” but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. “No, I'll look first," she said, "and see whether it's marked 'poison' or not…”

—Lewis Carroll✨
Victorian medicines often had opium, alcohol and mercury.

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Brace yourself for the hairy coffee of Hopeless, Maine.

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In Japan, kawauso are river otters, and like many other animals it is believed that once they reach old age they can develop supernatural powers and become These creatures love alcohol, especially sake. They are renowned shape-shifters and can...


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"So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually drunk.
But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk" (Baudelaire)

🎨 H. Privat-Livemont (1896)

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A Flemish folktale says that a man was offered wine by witches who were dancing under the moonlight at a spot called Witches Mountain. The witches suddenly disappeared and the cup changed into the leg of a horse.

🎨Emma Childs

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Marvel's Hercules just happens to be one of Thor's best drinking buddies. But it wasn't always the case.

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In Greek legends Persephone, Queen of the Underworld was abducted by Hades who desired a wife. While she was picking flowers she was bewitched by a narcissus flower planted by Gaia. Hades, arrives with his hell hounds and takes Persephone down into the underworld

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In Irish folklore Tír na nÓg is an island of paradise a magical realm of eternal youth, beauty, health, abundance and joy. Its inhabitants are the Tuatha Dé Danann the gods of pre-Christian Ireland, who engage in the feast of Goibniu which gifts them immortality

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Deserters from Napoleon’s army are said to have hidden in the Paris catacombs & survived on mushrooms grown in their horse’s manure. Champignons de Paris, a delicacy, were farmed in the catacombs in the 1800s; the environment gave the mushrooms their unique flavour

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"Out yonder, under the shining vault,
among men the saying goes: "Man, be thyself!"
At home here with us, 'mid the tribe of the trolls,
the saying goes: "Troll, to thyself be-enough!" (Ibsen)

🎨 Kittelsen

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