• Lindsay Townsend: DARK MAIDEN https://t.co/LWOjYGre9S UK https://t.co/LWOjYGre9S https://t.co/Alc2wYRJYJ Ghosts, revenants, incubi , vampires & demons haunt medieval England, as Yolande and Geraint used their love to survive https://t.co/QwVIReWIZy

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author Isabel Sanchez Vegara is wrapping up her time on the at Hurry over if you'd like to say hello and get copies of and signed!

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If you're not at the at you should be! author Isabel Sanchez Vegara is talking about celebrating communities and giving children the power to dream big.

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In 15 minutes we'll be at the with author Isabel Sanchez Vegara! Come listen to Isabel speak and then get a copies of and signed!

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Digging how is kicking off. Serious feels interspersed with fun joyous moments.

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