Я уже говорила, что я люблю рисовать косплееров? А когда они твои друзья - ещё больше люблю :)

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Commission for

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luego de publicar dibujos viejos pues muestro algo nuevo (?? JSJAJA bueno no, tengo más dibujos que no he publicado que dibujos nuevos

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Pichipichi Voice de Live START!

I wish I timed myself with this but I love it. Rini, Kinja and Miki as Rina, Luchia and Hanon respectively. The amount of times I cried from nostalgia while drawing these? Too many.

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aaand here she is! cosplay of maja from ! First detailed piece I’ve done for myself in a hot minute! I’m in love with how it turned out!

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My Art vs My Cosplay

I drew my OC, Elf Queen Aurelia ~
I really felt magical cosplaying her, and knew I needed to draw her!

My cosplay acct:

1002 11825

Since it's an Inktober flashmob runing now, I got an idea to post not only Drawings, but also my Cosplays, that are related to Inktober prompts. Lets go!
Day 28 Ride

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Since it's an Inktober flashmob runing now, I got an idea to post not only Drawings, but also my Cosplays, that are related to Inktober prompts. So, lets go!

Day 4 Freeze

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