Ian Knox on Boris Johnson's Brexit hurdles - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Nicola Jennings on Boris Johnson's Brexit hurdles - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Martyn Turner: A slight dose of reality here but, jeez, nothing like the dose the Daily Telegraph gave to the DUP... - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

3 10

อย่างเรานับเป็น​ ได้มั้ย​​ ก็น่าจะได้อยู่นะ​ ;;

สวัสดีค่า dup เองค่ะ​
วาดน้องแฮชานวง​ NCT​ เป็นงานหลัก​ Digital art ล้วนๆ ถ้าเห็นลายเส้นไปคล้ายกับ​ uqreazing ก็อย่าว่าเราเลยนะ​คนเดียวกันน​


ฝากติดตามผลงานด้วยนะคะ​ 💖

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lmao said something about a DUP AU but tbfh I kinda feel like this could be canon soon 😉

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Yep great. I fucke dup my first playthrough of fe3h :^) LIKE ALWAYS :^) GIVE ME BACK DEDUE :^)))

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When u spend the whole afternoon watching the dup's bc they're fucking stuipd and dressed in spandex

1 6

sweet little bumble bee i know what you want from me dup-i-dup-i-do la la dup-i-dup-i-do la la

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Point rolls
Masato Dup

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great as always at listening to the Phelps bs or also cld be called the American DUP .

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そんな時は是非DUPをご検討ください(= ^∞^ =)


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Before I do a Smash stage of this Yui I decided to do my own version of the Super Saiyan Yui. I thought oh I just need to get the non dup frames, paint bucket the hair to chroma key it then add some brown to yellow thing but I remembered it's never that simple

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