Gorealm the hallucination monster

SPEEDAINT: https://t.co/sYyHoY2f1j

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edain is in balsam and ash now... i think she would be cute w short hair!!!!!!

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Más cosas antiguas y revisadas: acuarelas de la Tierra Media...bosque lluvioso drúedain....con sus antiguas esculturas...

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more jugdral redesigns: ethlyn, edain and silvia this time

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Before her name was officially translated as Edain, "Aideen" would've been another close candidate

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*prays for tomorrow* here’s edain from fe4

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Karyaku! aku baru belajar niat gambar lagi, ignore lineart sama shadingnya ya :( mau tanya gimana cara bedain kalo gambar cewe / cowo?? aku niatnya gambar cowo tp kok malah jadi kek cewe 😭😭 makasih banyak!

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Aragorn Son of Arathorn
Ranger of the Dunedain


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"Voy a camino hacia el lugar que tu recuerdo me dejó
Es difícil continuar, sin ti no logro ser quien soy" (Dunedain - Eterno)

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sekalian mau cerita, jadi jihan dan almira sering dikira kembar, padahal bisa dibedain (kalo sma gampang karena pada beda jurusan) kalo mukanya rada galak dan kacamataan si almira, kalo raut nya lebih ceria itu jihan (pake picrew lg mager😔)

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The Dúnedain (Aka Rangers) were men of the ancient kingdom of Arnor. They protected Eriador (Bree, Shire, Etc) from the servants of Sauron. Their secretive business made other common folk fearful & uneasy around them. If common folk only knew how many cities & lives they saved.

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Padahal kucing long hair ga cuma Turkish Angora doang

Persia, Maine Coon itu longhair jg dan w msh susah bedain hemm

Japanese Bobtail, Manx sm Mixdom ekor pendek jg mirip dan w jg susah bedain

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Ini anak2ku nder, biasanya aku bedain dari warna n bentuk rambut, mata, alis, warna kulit, bentuk muka, bentuk badan kayak mana, keunikkan dia apa yg ngebedain dia sama yg lain hehehe

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My sibling saw me levelling Edain earlier and went "Oh look, it's Mx. Castlevania themself" 💀

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The sons of Elrond. This artwork by Conzi Tool shows one of either Elladan or Elrohir as they would have appeared as a part of the Grey Company!

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En menos de un mes, se darán a conocer los primeros detalles de la adaptación animada del manga

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Ini akan jd thread WIP 'living together'

Dimulai dari konsepnya dulu.

Ini dapet inspirasi dari manga bl yg lagi aku nantikan updatenya 🙈 krn kapelnya mirip atsukage / yukiue wkwk

Tentu aku cuma ambil konsepnya aja. Pose dll aku bedain 👋🙈

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