Hiya! I'm aura and I'm an Aussie Merk main! I love under night and fighting games in general. I draw art of uni and dragon ball characters and does a bunch of TOing for anime fgs and dbfz!

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I do like playing as execution characters in FGs

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Theirs not a single gun character in FGs cooler than Vermillion & I say that as a huge fan of Cable in MVC2

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There aren't too many fgs out there where I can make custom combos on the fly, doesn't matter if it's simple, it just works like jazz
And sure learning combos from tutorials is cool but when you find your own combo structure on the fly

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Happy Birthday Norio Wakamoto! On top of the myriad of timeless roles he's voiced throughout the years, I love the fact that he voices busted characters in FGs (M.Bison in SFV, Cell in DBFZ, Johnny in GG, and Yoshi in SC6). This man literally voiced 3 EVO Grand Finalists in 2018.

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im still scream laughing over this from when i was editing for fgs just fucking "come on man"

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let's start a thread of our least favorite moves to get hit by in FGs, I'll start:

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I'm gonna test these controllers to playing FGS later :)
올해 테스트해볼 컨트롤러들입니다 :)

1. New Makestick from
2. Fusion Fight pad
3. thrust master eswap pad
4. Razer Raion

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Do i have rights? 😔 -Favorite FGs characters-

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動画はLayerMask(FGS次回更新で実装)とAlphaMask(FGS Pre31で実装済み)の一例です。

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The Asuka 120% LimitOver/Asuka series discord is now open: https://t.co/JzJYJN2A90
This series invented clashes & inspired anime FGs like those of French Bread/Examu. LimitOver is the last game developed by Fill in Cafe

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So after finishing another art project, I decided to finally color my line art. I wanted to do this ever since I watched the match between and , so heres the best big boi in FGs!

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i designed for the FGS logo ! thank you very much for having me in the team.

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Hey you!
Live in the Wellington region and love fighting games? This Sunday from 12pm we have Ranbats at our new location, the best place to meet others and improve in FGs!

From out of town or forget the layout of the capital? The video for directions.


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Never forget people at home who play FGs and support pro scene with passion. Many of us aren't good enough to compete but love games no less. Here is my Ryu for you Mr. Street Fighter :]

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ill never be able to comprehend how tf people pick chars in anime fgs

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