Did I reimagine 4 of my favorite KI girls in a potential KI4 style for nothing but my own enjoyment? Yes I did.

Sadira is still a WIP but I couldn’t leave her out

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Kim Wu commision I made to
Thanks a lot for commissioning me!! I really appreciate it!!

15 41

Kim Wu, commission for 🔥🔥🔥
It's my pleasure to work on this piece ^^

128 923

Kim Wu from Killer Instinct drawing I got to do for me. Love how swole he made her. Girl be hitting the gym.

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(i know i posted this before but idc >:3)

i am scared of the power i have and this is why
dont ask about the tounge its cartoon logic i guess

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And just when you thought I was done posting old pictures I drew... (Here's one from my book, Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies.)

P.S.: If you're looking to learn and more, you can buy the book here ➟ https://t.co/uiw8Qe2EsE

1 8

Commission, thanks to

Always a pleasure drawing a fighting character who’s not getting a lot of attention👍🏼

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To celebrate reaching 50% funded in our first day, here's a little glimpse of the Guardian rolebook! We'll be adding it to the playkit and sharing some more details about how they work early next week. 🛡️⚔️

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Happy Birthday to . Here is a drawing of Kim Wu from Killer Instinct he did for me years ago. Still my fav.

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What are these guys' names, wrong answers only

2 25

Too much shenanigans with KI & SFV. Awesome fun stream as always. Thank you everyone for hanging and for the games. Shout outs to master and my buddy the_real_pez for the raids.


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