138 - Ominyte
Shell-Hider Pokemon
“Ominyte lived in the most ancient of seas, finding the shells of another species and hiding within them. A spectral force reversed the effects of fossilization somewhat, bringing it halfway back to life.”

7 11


A surprisingly common extinct jellyfish, while its family is known for almost never fossilizing, essexcella represents 42% of all fossils found in Mazon Creek

ALT: also known by the nickname blob, due to how common its fossils are people tend to leave them

4 27

Fossilization of a queen.

Creating beauty beyond time.

3d digital sculpture.

6.000 X 6.000 render pixel.


0 0

R: ^^
T: mi niño uu
V: no que no era un niño?
T: MI niño >:^
M: jajajaj déjalos ^^’’

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

165 1704

V: responde~ *ambas respiraciones se empiezan a mezclar*
M: u-ugh… q-quererte…

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

126 1351

R: h-hm… está bien…
V: oh enserio? *0* ven, tranquilo
R: *se pone de pie*
M: no tengas miedo, vamos a casa ^^

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

117 1396

Climbed up to these petroglyphs to watch the sunrise at 5am. It’s now lunchtime and I’m pooped! Found some fossilized shells, teeny shark teeth and some agates elsewhere too.

0 10

Rp: ooooooh ö
Rp: entonces Rius ama a Timba! :D
/Timba que pasaba por ahí/
T: que yo que?
Rs: *se acerca y le tapa la boca a Raptor* NADA NADA-

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

143 1585

Keratin doesn’t fossilize well at all, why we recently just found out edmontosaurus had quite the beak instead of the duck bill we’re so familiar with.
It has to be the perfect conditions for those to stick around/be mummified

0 1

AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

218 1847

The burrow revealed two unrelated vertebrate animals nestled together and fossilized after being trapped by a flash flood event. The Thrinaxodon, and the Broomistega.

0 3

Humberto Lopez, também conhecido como Reptil, é um jovem rapaz de descendência mexicana que pode se transformar em vários animais pré-históricos (incluindo dinossauros) graças ao Amuleto Fossilizado, um objeto encontrado pelos seus pais arqueólogos que sumiram misteriosamente.

16 136

Some details from "Fossilization of a queen",my new minted 3d artwork available for bid


"Creating beauty beyond time". 3d
digital sculpture. 6.000 X 6.000
render pixel.

9 61

AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

294 2034

"Fossilization of a queen".2021


Creating beauty beyond time.
3d digital sculpture.
6.000 X 6.000 render pixel.

3 28

I think I've been *particularly* greedy.


85 412

💙Sparta se queda en el AU de Fossilized Lizard!💙
Así se celebra en el obelisco >:DD WUUUU!!!
Gracias a todos Q3Q♥

187 1641

''Postura de Reptil''
AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

246 2009

T: h-huh? Raptor?
R: *abraza la pierna que cuelga de la cama y enrolla su cola en la otra en muestra de afecto alzando la cabeza dejando ver un par de lágrimas acompañadas de una sonrisa triste* Trolli♥...

❤️ Fossilized Lizard - Raptor ❤️

168 1700