"Basicamente en Roma había cinco grupos de persoas: os patricios, os plebeos, os clientes, os escravos e os libertos"
'A vida diaria dos romanos', de Pepe Carballude.

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''A Dirge for her, the doubly dead. In that she died so young''
Lenore - Edgar Allan Poe

Roman Dirge created a comic called "Lenore, the cute dead girl" which is inspired on that poem, and this is how he ilustrated her 👀 I wonder if you know those comics or series...

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In the moments before riding, his whole body trembles like the wings of a hummingbird about to sip. Doki doki, some might say.

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The start of summer is best celebrated with an ice cream.

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Xa está aquí a 4ª impresión do 'Atlas da Galicia Pequeniña'!! 😃

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Heya! im back for 4 days of absentness due to things
but lets pretend i didn't, and look at these images i have ilustrated

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Now that vintage is back in fashion, she proudly calls herself the analog post(wo)man.

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Today I will ask him to dance. For sure! They call me Aphrodite A for a reason.

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A speculative "kakapo like" Balaur bondoc :p

Since balaur was most likely a herbivore and great climber, I thought it would be interesting if I ilustrated it as a nocturnal "kakapo like" avialan instead of a diurnal one

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Waiting for the bus is the ideal time to practice kissing, pretending to be whistling, to hide it.

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He prefers to go shopping at the market early in the morning, which is when the vegetables are freshest.

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"Os nenos sentábanse en bancos corridos, sen respaldo, chamados sellae ou subsellia, e apoiaban o material escolar sobre os xeonllos para traballar."
'A vida diaria dos romanos', de Pepe Carballude. Editorial

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The good thing about wireless headphones is the freedom they give you when you move your arms to the beat of chu-chu-á!

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Scottish Words Ilustrated ‘the Quine an her ‘laithfu’ corrie fisted loun ’ https://t.co/fvoZ7sxadO

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Life on wheels begins, like everything else, with a first step. Which foot to start with is not so relevant in these cases. Both are necessary: ​​one leads and the other drives.

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