I little sketch my friend did when brainstorming about the environmental concept art for the personal videogame I'm working on 😊
~~As some of you may know, development is an iterative process; but you can expect similar vibes like this for the future of this project 🌌🍂✨

1 10

Sculpting Characters from Concepts

What u learn👇

👉Approaching 2D concept
👉Working iteratively
👉Pose and silhouette
👉Length: 27 lesson segments

1 1

Lucky for you I iteratively save my files obsessively!

I don't have a single universal way I do painting, so I'll show you a couple.

This one was lazy because I used multiply and a lighten of some sort. Blue and orange, as warm light makes cool shadows (opposed colors usually)

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29 days of drawing

New warmup sketch in a few minutes and some commissions afterwards °v°


(free Referenz: https://t.co/mn2IR73i8Y )

2 19

23 days of drawing

9/100 Portraits
Let's do another one, before switching to the webcomic <3
Stream starts at 9:10 :)


(free Referenz: https://t.co/mn2IR73i8Y )

1 15

So I did the iterative art tip where you make different boxes and draw inside then copy it to the next box and change/improve your artstyle/art.
First to the end and added blue to the skintone + progress

0 5

13 day of drawing


Let's start (Slowly... still tired XD) in a few minutes with another movie guess thumbnail and switch to webcomic afterwards


1 16

12 day of drawing

Froiday, because weekend is around the corner. Let's get some commissions done, after a new Movie thumbnail (which movie is this one below?)


1 9

11 day of drawing

We have a webcomic to colour, after some warmup thumbnails (which movie is this one below?)


1 11

wip for Magic Bullet, Ray’s weapon in Cure-All. I really appreciate the Japanese art tradition of making sentient weapons. 俺の憧れだ

Tweaking every day. im tired time to pass out

3 5

01 day of drawing

Let's get back to the drawing board °v°
We are done with the blob faces, and continue the roadrunners curriculum for solo artist 🥳


3 16

Sculpting Characters from Concepts[#45.00]
What u learn👇
👉Approaching 2D concept
👉Working iteratively
👉Pose and silhouette
👉Length: 27 lesson segments (varies 30-60 min each)

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208 days of drawing practice (& 1.555h 48 min streaming time)

Last head blob practice for this year. And we are about to finish the outlines for the webcomic ON TIME °v°


1 19

207 days of drawing practice

Some practice and lot's of ginger tea, since my throat is feeling a bit off. (So less talking today :) )


2 10

206 days of drawing practice

Last monday this year. Some more heads before the webcomic will be worked on :3


2 13

205 days of drawing practice

Goooood morning, Bubble Heads and Webcomic later :3


1 13

Day 13 in the Alternative Alliterative Advent Calendar, featuring readings from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Today, the butchery scene where deer are cut up in the traditional manner - a remarkably accurate and intricate description. More here: https://t.co/gjqWretYYp

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