Erebusmon for amen95 ,the evolved form of Noctifermon, and the fusion of Darkness Bagramon and Lucemon Satan Mode

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I've always headcannoned Plutomon as their jogress.

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Noctifermon for amen95 /fusion of Lucemon falldown mode and Bagramon

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Day 8 - Favorite Fusion Digimon - Chaosmon Valdur Arm. I wasn't sure what fusion was referring here for this prompt so I went with one of my favorite jogresses. I love all three of the Chaosmon, but Valdur Arm is my favorite among them.

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The Pen Z lets you jogress with Digimon you've backed up! I had this fella (Tobiumon) that evo failed so I just used it for jogress fodder with a Frigimon

I don't recall what other devices you can jogress with tho

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I'm not really a fish / aquatic person, but Deep Savers is growing on me. I got Gusokumon from a Jogress and I love this design a bunch.

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And dont forget this guy being used jogress fodder for Bagramon. I love PawnChessmon for him.

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Corvumon for amen95 /fusion of Velgrmon and Ornismon

8 19

Shekiamon for amen95 /fusion of Duskmon and Murmuxmon (Murmukusmon)

8 29

Devimon is champion level while the whole adventure gang has reached ultimate level

maybe Devimon will become Lucemon later by forcing Jogress/DNA evolve with angemon so the power level more equal

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Jogress no Jogress

-Dia 27 Jogress
-Un pollo mas un bicho te sale un dragón con alas y cañones.

3 17

Did more art for my art challenge one is just some fun and art whereas the other is more art XD is trying to make sense of Jogress when just shows up and makes him blush XD So many tags lol.

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Como muchos sabrán, este digimon nace de la jogress entre XV-mon y Stingmon, siendo por lo que parece el segundo digimon más iconico de los nacidos de este método evolutivo.
Sus características de dragón son más pronuncia…

8 40

NeoSusanoomon for amen95 a fusion of Susanoomon Omega Mode (…)+The Seven Other Ancient DigiMemories Arcobalenomon+TaranisKabuterimon+Vikyrimon+LowenRhihimon+Volgolemon+Epeiusmon+Avusmon

4 21

here's daisuke and ken stepping forward together in the face of insurmountable odds, pushing their jogress bond further than they ever have with the power of their belief in themselves and each other!!!

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Sosanoomon Omega mode for amen95 a fusion of SamratGreymon ( and StorsteGarurumon (

4 12

kagayakimon, jogress evolution of ken & wormmon and daisuke & v-mon’s biomerge evolutions (called a biofusion lol), drawn by !

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