📚 Amanchu ! T4 - Kozue Amano
« Quand on a le cœur serré, ce n’est pas en broyant du noir et en détestant les autres que les choses vont s’arranger »

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📚 Amanchu ! T3 - Kozue Amano
« Je consacre tous mes efforts à profiter du moindre moment de bonheur »

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📚 Amanchu ! T2 - Kozue Amano

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📚 Amanchu T1 - Kozue Amano
Un titre rafraîchissant par son paysage, ses dessins, ses personnages et son humour

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Le tome 17 en édition limitée de「Amanchu!」 avec une figurine SD de Marilyn Pikari est disponible en précommande.

※Prix : ¥2.700
※Date de sortie : 10/09/2021


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Une figurine SD de Surumejin Teko est disponible avec le tome 16 en édition limitée de 「Amanchu!」.

※Prix : ¥2.700
※Date de sortie : 27/02/2021


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En attendant son arrivée en France chez , on admire la couverture du tome 16 d’Amanchu! dans son édition simple et limitée, qui paraîtra le 26 février au Japon !

Le travail de est toujours une merveille ! 🤩

Acheter Amanchu! : https://t.co/btYEdsOPne

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Manchurian Candidate Artist Proofs Now Live


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2nd piece in my new poster project, based on 50s-70s Thrillers.

(1962) starring

Available for and projects through March
https://t.co/MKf9llJyrZ https://t.co/OAHdh0Fxny

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in 1913, The 13th Dalai Lama proclaims Tibetan independence following a period of domination by Manchu Qing dynasty and initiated a period of almost four decades of independence. Illustration: East Asia in 1914, showing Tibet as an autonomous region of the Republic of China.

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Acuarela de M. Plinzner que representa a unos cosacos que hacen guardia en el ferrocarril transmanchuriano (1905), durante el transcurso de la guerra ruso-japonesa.

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reposting my manchu miku for . she sings in manchurian! 😏

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miku but she’s manchu!! for i know im like a few days late lmao. credit to Orquidiart for starting this trend!!

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I'm a Manchu, and I eat vegetarian food for 3 days during the Spring Festival.#ChineseNewYear

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Thanks so much to and shoemanchu for collecting the first 2 editions on !

There are 2 editions left!


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Shàonǚ has a deep, inner spiritual life based in Manchu shamanism, Taoism, and broader Chinese folk religion.

She is a trained shaman, Taoist priestess, scholar, and mystic.

🖼️ Wikimedia
🖼️ Zhang Lu
🖼️ Unknown

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Le Petit Prince par Kozue Amano (Aria, Amanchu)

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Behold!!! Hogan GraySkull, the ultimate 80s mash-up cartoon barbarian whoever dared to 80'd. With Magi-lo, the Fairy Cat Wizard the standard cutesy 80s sidekick. And the Sword of 'Constant 1 up's Man-ship' and shield of 'Fu-Manchu.'

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There's a great dance,
Upon the winter's eve,
On the hills of Manchuria

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