Since a few of you like the Loki drawing I just posted here are some other bits of art I have done. The Bride is in acrylic paints. The other three (including a self portrait) are in pencil

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2nd piece in my new poster project, based on 50s-70s Thrillers.

(1962) starring

Available for and projects through March

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More encore?

Ah gentlemen waited patiently if still here - for Kid Rodelo 1966 pics so here they are, with studio shot c same period naked in mink.

Jul 6 1927

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ソ連の空軍中尉に扮したJanet Leigh

『Jet Pilot』最初の半年は演出スタンバーグ
撮影は1949年~18ヶ月に及び50年に完成したが、ハワードヒューズにより追加撮影、再編集されたため公開は57年 (その間RKOは赤字経営で売却、ユニバーサルが配給)

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