Detective frog is hopping on the case! What a busy day, everything happened.

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The jester I rejected. In other news I ate some really good Hungarian potato pancakes.

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Lobster in red. I forget how much work I have done until I have to search for a particular file on the computer. That was today’s adventure. Could always draw more though.

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A quick squinty Gandalf sketch. Busy day, now I’m going to take a break.

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Someone tell this guy to go home, it’s Saturday!

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The bearded lady, the best of both worlds. Sometimes I’m jealous of beards but ultimately I’m glad I don’t have to shave my face, that seems terrifying.

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Today was an exciting day, almost too exciting, now I’m sucking on zinc, yuck. Anyways be productive!

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Sometimes I like to see what’s the most disgusting thing I can draw (I think this is a chibi, I really don’t understand chibis)

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In older versions of the the frog asked the princess to cut his head off with an axe. True story

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