Fictional men I love but are likely all lives matter / Trump2020

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My painting at a Trump protest rally in Eugene back in May of 2016. No tear gas. No need to wear a respirator. No police violence.

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'Trump Landslide' trending.
Well... he's caused every other (un)natural disaster... why not landslides & avalanches too? 🤔

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If his favorite word is hoax - I imagine he knows he is a hoax and its pure projection on his part. Please to the people who are in charge - don't let this wanker pull another stunt on us! Enough is enough!#DumpTrump2020
and VOTE!

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‘Weathering the Storm’ 48 x 36 on my easel this evening available

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Here's my new cartoon with the - the is so bad!

Come see my favorite cartoons by all the CagleCartoonists on my blog at:

... and see my rough sketch there too.

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"arh, yes, I remember that one. Another good one of mine." WS

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