56. Thomas
Russell, soldier, United Irishman, Belfast librarian, classicist, Wolfe Tone's friend, used Homer & Virgil in dazzling satires in republican Northern Star. Executed at age of 32 for participation in the doomed 1803 Irish rebellion

2 17

Wants to harm as many AMERICAN'S as he can
We can't Trust what he says

6 34

This is why I don’t think Bernie’s left politics will be a liability in the General. boomer republicans think everything is socialism anyway

266 2956

This day 172 years ago – 7 March 1848 – the Irish tricolour is said to have been flown in public for the first time.

Thomas Francis Meagher flew it in Waterford during a by-election. It was given to him and fellow Young Irelander William Smith O'Brien by French republican women.

255 660

For 30 days every year The Fountain in the Forest synchs up with the actual French Republican Calendar. Today’s date Septidi 17 Ventôse 228 and Chapter 5 are dedicated to Leopard’s bane.

Urgent PS! Part of Chpt 5 is set at Stonehenge which is at risk RN https://t.co/y8zdRcluwz

1 2

After the Supreme Court gutted the Voting 4ights Act recently, Republican Secretaries of State cut the number of polling places by as much as 90% in some Democratic districts, and left Republican districts untouched.

This is voter suppression.

1473 4125

Republicans storm out of coronavirus briefing after House Dem slams Trump administration’s response https://t.co/B9qFga00x0

2 4

Senate failed on Tuesday to garner the 60 votes necessary to override a of two separate pieces of legislation, both of which sought to protect the most vulnerable among us — preborn and newborn children.

0 0

Este domingo es mi cumple, pero también el de la tía, que es mi personaje favorito porque a pesar que casi no participa de la historia, ella se encarga que no falte nada en esa casa.

¡¡¡Apóyenme por acá!!!

1 8

Elizabeth Warren: "Mike Bloomberg funded numerous right wing Republican Senators who are ruining this country."

Mike Bloomberg:

26 107

Read about how a newspaper (The Press Republican in Plattsburgh, NY) cut back their editorial cartoons, from every day to 2 days a week, because of my Trump/Barr fart cartoon and this cartoon by , which they presumably didn't print:


4 11

The year is 1996. I am a registered Republican pretending to be a Native American to advance my law career. https://t.co/LU2Sza025z

36 147

Sometimes I get inspired! I hesitated to post this, then I realized I was censoring myself over a political cartoon... And something far less controversial than the art I've built my career on. .

16 65