Next up its
Huge miniatures -

A HUGE range of modelling products for basing, scenery and more. Take a look, I've added them to my list of hobby resources.

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Had a heck of a week. Good bits: Me mum tested negative for COVID-19, and I got a bit done on a rhino for the DG. Exhausts and trophy spikes felt somewhat out of alignment with the current DG style. Not sure about the new front tho.

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just over half way there. 4 more left to go!

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i had a few days off cos i didnt feel like this was coming along well enough. welp. it turned out ok

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First up for Thursday, Laser Craft Workshop -

Loads of great, unique MDF scenery. Well worth checking out, there are a few things I had not seen anywhere else. I really like the wicked forest range!

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2 has come with it's magic! Check out the incredible Sigujana from

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Games Workshop games have a lot of very iconic visual symbols and stuff - what are your favourites?

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These are exactly one of those companies that make this whole thing so much fun for us, I had never heard of them before and have thoroughly enjoyed browsing their website.
Check out their online shop here;

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17 170

Keep trying not quite there yet. Photos show it needs some smoothing. I think pushing the lightest skin tones next to the red is needed, then up the red around the bottom of the head. Finding it very challenging!

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Continuing to clear my backlog with one of my favourite Space Marine marine models, slightly converted to add more of a Blood Angels theme.

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For this week I have done the black bone and green armour on two more mortek guard for my army and managed to get the grey bone base coated.

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They also produce dropfleet and drop zone, rumble slam and more.
Check out their website for more.

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Today’s paint overs!

The person who took original orc picture I have to’s a random one I grabbed off twitter but I think I have it marked since I liked it.

Stay safe everyone! And keep up the amazing models!

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Check out some of these miniatures, I particularly love the undead gunslingers!
Find more here;

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Help me out - can any recommend a paint scheme for the "Diaz" daemonettes around the Hordes of Chaos/3.5 CSM Codex period? I don't think GW ever officially stated how they painted them. How would you do it to get that effect?

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My small attempt to brighten things.

If you are interested in getting a paint over of your model/models comment with a picture of one and I will go through this thread and select one/two and add some atmosphere.

photos from and

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Steam Forged
Creators of guildball, Godtear, Animal adventures and more.
High-quality models, popular rulesets, and a thriving competitive scene

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