I commissioned a picture of Henry/Hiccup from my Evolved Energy series (he appears in my vss tweets). did a great job bringing him to life for me.

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When one spells her name under their breath, it must kiss the ocean. That is how you beckon a love drowned. I tried it, one day, lips fried from the salt spraying from pistol tides against boulders.

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As the sun's rays against waves
Secrets of Poseidon's
The storm it braves
Neptune's fancy
a dream that beckons me
The bitter taste of an illusion...
...the illusion that I am free...

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...with her cobalt colored hair— was fly and true to her ’ghetto roots’ like a banjee girl on the run—she mastered the art of having fun. Her & charm ebb & flow with widened eyes—like dancing that passionately flies.✍️🏽#vss365

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Like any other demon, it is quasi-charismatic—advancing the gentlest of kind souls with grace's veil to make them commit the worst sins until their skulls turn grey from dust. Be a storm. Destroy its title. 355

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He fantasises over blooms and stems containing poison. You can’t blame your mother though, I tell him. She’s what turned you into this wordy mess. My art is much the same only it’s the brush that gets the beating.#vss365

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Poor little Candice! She’d spent so much of her life looking down. One day it was suggested that a metal brace be put in place to encourage her head to stay up! She loved that she could look into the beautiful eyes of others.

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I’ll turn myself into a flower and hang off the side of a pretty vase, Blanche told herself. So on the afternoon of the entire football team leaving to more desirable destinations she did just that.

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You shout of freedom, but it’s you who can’t hear
You brandish sidearms, but whose side are you on
You say you’re a patriot, but acting selfish isn’t a cause
You talk of rights, harming others isn't one of them

Your rights end where the risk to my family’s health begins

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Captain Andre Cailloux

The colonists admired him—and the British feared his every whim. He was a hero of color—a warrior in the midst of terror—a in his era.

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People want to say that I’m on “their side.” But they don’t understand. Being a patriot means seeing what’s best in your country as well as facing its flaws honestly. It means loving it enough to want to see its wounds healed—and saying no to the whole idea of “sides.”

3 22

Ringing silence after lightning
And rumbling thunder
Tension released
The charged air smells electric
And petrichor
No wonder we love dramatic weather
Afterall we are made from Earth..

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cor cordibus vestris
A brief hiatus, a swish of colour
Leaking into your heart
Of HeArts
The river runs
Off the tongue
Honey :)😀

by Jaanika Talts

6 16

The origin of explosion
Was it a big bang
Even the known
Is unknown
What if there are many universes
Reality usually turns out
More interesting than fiction..

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Signed and numbered limited edition prints on Hahnemuhle FineArt paper are available for the month of July.
DM for purchase

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