I colored Chizuru from Chapter 187 of Rent a Girlfriend

Art: Reji Miyajima

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edens zero really good but when i saw this panel i stopped reading and had to color it

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Weno damas y damos, Suika es oficialmente una waifu, repito, Suika es una waifu :v
Espero les guste :3

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One Piece practice ...
Sadly i dont have alot of OP followers even tho i like to color it as much as black clover

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Colored this Iida sketch made by Horikoshi
(this is my first MHA coloring)

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Un coloreo rápido de Todoroki por el capitulo de mañana
Espero les guste :3

PD: si estoy despierto a esta hora :v ya me voy a mimir xd

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