Did some figure drawing using a video where i decieded to focus on the lights and draw by erasing and just showing the lights. https://t.co/TVIcpxpaAX

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Nih aku bikinin ilustrasinya

414 466

se son vissuta affliggendomi,
e il sole poco m'ha allentata.
Perdona, perdona se molti
ho scambiato per te.
Anna Achmatova

Robert Auer💚

19 20

A family portrait illustration for my friend Billy who wanted to surprise his wife. It's different for me, since it's not music/ent. centered & it has a sweet/angelic vibe to it. The pose, attire, phrasing, & 5 stars hold special meaning to them, too. This was fun to draw. 🌠

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🌌Universo Original - Guerreiros Senkai 🌌

Eric Prasini Cardiá Silva

Outro dos personagens de uma história que eu criei, desta vez o protagonista , fiquei muito. SIM, ele tem Silva no nome, ele é brasileiro, me julguem.

4 7

Have you ever met a pigeon who loves opera singing? Look no further! 8 days count down until my The Tap-Dancing Pigeon Of Covent Garden is released on 5th September! A proud moment that will be!

2 3

“...Tenía que centrarse en la misión o acabaría perdiendo la cabeza. ¿Acaso Adriem sólo había sido un sueño? ¿O su memoria volvía a fallarle? No sabía qué temía más: recordar quién había sido u olvidar lo que era ahora...”

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Been erasing some pics and ahh I just like how this look!
Took me a whole afternoon... I hope I can find the original file!

47 349

I figured out how to export video so you can all see how I make shapes through a series of erasing!

112 571

Trying to get used to adding highlights with white pencils and gel pens, works best for the jeans and grandma's chair, the rest came off as kinda messy and I ended up erasing a lot of it.

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Come Mosè fu vicino all'accampamento,vide il vitello d’oro e le danze; allora l'ira di Mosè si accese ed egli gettò dalle mani le tavole e le spezzò ai piedi del monte.

Esodo,L’ira di Mosè


8 17


Nella notte passiamo
la metà della vita.
Ed è la metà più
bella davvero.

Ben Fisher
Ragazza che dorme

6 13

Studio Two artists are creating some incredible reductive drawings! These artists are focused on erasing highlights to show a full range of value.

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Assediato dagli altri, cerco di liberarmi di loro, senza grande successo, bisogna pur dirlo. Riesco tuttavia a riservarmi ogni giorno qualche secondo di colloquio
con colui che avrei voluto essere.

E. M. Cioran

📷 Tommy Ingberg

11 29

It's Jerry, our greasy boi.
Make sure to check out the creators plugs! ...wait, for this comic... phrasing.
Here's their Patreon: https://t.co/7FssIs7dqf

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