Just added🆕'Junith Eruita' by Lewis Jones https://t.co/lPgD6Y0mmc No matter how outnumbered, how beaten down & bloodied they may be, every true Imperial servant who hears her words feels the fires of faith kindle anew in their breast

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I think I have a new favourite pic 😂

61 491

Do all Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplains belong to the Ravenwing?

And if not, how come they still get to paint their armour black?
And what colour would a Deathwing Interrogator Chaplain wear?

1 3

Tale of More Warlords - Month 1 - Community Round Up is now done - apologies it's late but its done! Well done to all the warlords who made progress it was great all round. https://t.co/XjNsSUDN7e

3 14

Time for a bit of hobby. This is Bolg, an ex-gladiator back from the fighting pits of Ghur’s heartlands to lead his old tribe. A slab of meat hangs from his trophy rack because his butcher Boggo told him the coming fight was ‘a high steaks battle’.

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🎮Horseman War is one of the largest enemies in Eleven Commandments.🎮
Designed as a mix between Hitler and Oars from One Piece, War is a red warmonger wielding a large sword (Revelation 6:3-4)

3 14

Had another fantastic bust made for me, More life like this time. Thanks for this ace art work.

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Some character design for my Treasure Hunters band.

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Deredeo Dreadnought: test fitting for the pose.

After much faff and procrastination it's time to build this bad boy for the Serrated Suns.

As is the current fashion it's getting two big choom-sticks. Might magnetise.

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Inspired by all the awesome painting going on, thought I'd get back to working on my just a bit of skin layering done on some fanatics but nice to give the new brush a whirl (it's lovely!)

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Looks like it's been a great weekend for hobbying. Been seeing some truly lovely armies from the various events going on! The amount of passion, energy and creativity is inspirational and a great motivator to get painting and attending events!

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February is looking free! Hit me up if you want a hobby-themed portrait or maybe your character needs a visual recreation, or your event needs a kickass poster and logo to entice players...

DM me if you want to use my artistic services!

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Hobby streak day 39 - not much done today, busy family day and an evening with friends but got sand on the las fusil eliminators based and undercoated them and the new Libby.

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Hobby streak day 38 - a change of pace! Built some las fusil eliminators and with the spare bits from the kit, some ETB Reivers and my bits box, hey presto three more! Then cos I was in the mood I converted a captain to a librarian

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