Tombs of Valhalla
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By Prince Mahlangu

15 74


6 43

Valhalla Fallen

by Artist Çağlayan Kaya Göksoy.

3 12

Happy Friday everyone! In tonights stream we are finally going to be playing This is a game I have had for ages but not yet played and I am feeling ready and excited to play it tonight! (I don't think Kratos is exited tho...) Hope to see you all there 9pm GMT+1! 😂💙😊

1 17

I've been playing God of War again and this whole drawing is what i've been screaming at my screen
Also blushing Kratos is mood 💖

0 3

Xbox se puede quedar con su consola más potente... Yo me quedo con mi pelón mata dioses!! 😍

10 425

Some rough explorations in colour using photos and paint underneath the sketch. This is for a small project of creatures and character's I'm concepting for fun as if I was designing for the next game. This is for Surtr the fire giant.

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El gran desafío nos espera...❄️💙

Autor: Ian Wilding

13 151

Hoy en

Arte conceptual de Wolverine para el por el diseñador del juego Raf Grasseti

con y por el artista de Marvel

de como Lobezno?

5 14

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By Darasavanh Navasak

10 53