FACT OF THE DAY: The collective noun for a group of middle-aged supporters is a Carvery of Gammon.

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My cartoon for tomorrow. The PM greasing the palms of those whose votes she needs most, namely the DUP, nice. https://t.co/5IUc09kh0W

15 22

‘Ello Miss, I wish to complain about this Brexit what I purchased not 3 years ago from this very boutique.

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[A WEEK IN THE WORLD]📺 Cartooning for Peace will be tonight at 7:10pm at to present cartoons about the the the and the Cartoons by (Portugal) (Mexico)

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New piece for Inside Housing Magazine’s article on how the social housing sector will cope in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.

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Even when I do a bit of light, very light, relief reckon' Brexit gets involved..

7 13

curiouser and curiouser

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What's that you say little pet lamb?
Ewe've got a baaa-rilliant idea to sort out

0 13

Take your mind off and take a look at the fantastic that will be on show and sale on 29 & 30 March in Here's a sample from the https://t.co/UpTdP9nWFn

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The Taoiseach mid listening to Trump's analysis...#trump

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