[ 💝 retweets appreciated 💝 ]

hello! decided to try my hands at some keychains again, and thought what better than these precious wolves~ so I'm opening up some preorders @ https://t.co/nUpPTDSvtQ

[ please dm for any more details c: ]

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"Want my help, hmm? Sure, sure, why not. But I don't do anything for free."

Inspired by 🥺

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WIP for fan art of Yuri, hands down one of my actual favourite boyo’s, he so sassy I lub him.

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So I got a cool shirt as a gift the other day, and I took one look at it and said “this shirt....looks like Yuri...” because when am I not thinking of Fire Emblem

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Yuri with dogors <3
Im still a little sick ;n; I want my power baaackkk F:

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Yuri todo bonito <333 lo amo (pero no tanto como a ti, Dimitri bb). Voy a casar a mi Raikan con él (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

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MEANWHILE I’ve been working on this cutie. Would anyone be interested in Hapi plushies? I’ve seen several Yuri plushie samples (and they look AMAZING!) but no Hapi so here’s mine! Plz RT and let me know if interested!

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I hereby dedicate literally all my UwUs, OwOs and TwTs to Yuri Leclerc I swear to god. He be working part time at Sephora when he ain’t being a basement dweller. Okay that’s my next prompt. Mad lad Sephora model Yuri. Byleth be a phat mood in the background.

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The gang’s all here...all the house leaders, including Yuri 👀👌

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LaSTLY we got our trickster boy! I’m not sure why but drawing him came so easily compared to, say, Edelgard and Claude?

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got commissioned for some chibi icons of a couple of top tier ladies, thanks for commissioning me!

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