This is Prudy, short for Prudence 😊 I had the pleasure of drawing her back in March this year, she was given as a gift in June so it’s safe to share her on social media now 😊

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A new Pet Portrait I can now reveal: 'Rigby', a Springer Spaniel. A4 size watercolour commission

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Another commission completed and a happy owner too 😊... on to my next now... I wonder what it could be?... stay tuned 😉

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Happy Sunday from Nori the fluffy cat! This is a friendly reminder that I am closing my Pet Portraits until June, for Spring cleaning and to work on new stuff/new website. Stay tuned!
Last call for commissioning a custom portrait of your furry friend!

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Eesh I know it's been a minute since y'all last heard from me! Been a crazy couple of weeks here. BUT I did manage to finish miss Sadie!

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How adorable is that face? Basset Hounds always look sad even when they are happy and you can't help but love them more because of it. Tag someone who loves Basset Hounds, or even better a Basset Hound on Instagram!

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Food or love?
I get this very often when I having food at outdoor stalls.
The area that I’m living, most of them are begging for love.

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I don't know how you remember your dog that no more with you. I have problem to remember mine. At least I got traces of him when I draw others.

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