# journeytochina arnoldschwarzenegger jackiechan terminator2 lindahamilton robertpatrick edwardfurlong mikefranci jamescameron michaelbiehn シュワちゃん シュワきませり アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー生誕祭 predator thepredator yautja danielgovar movieposter terminatordarkfate timmiller alternativeposter posterart fanart inkpendrawing silkscreen privatecommission krzysztofdomaradzki studiokxx art cinematography movies alternativeart movieposters movieposterdesign conanthebarbarian conanthedestroyer arnie conan fantasy dilly dillyart dillied 80s character design justforfun sketchbook caricature artist draw create movie film nostalgia djbwriter lastactionhero misterblacktee tshirt teeshirt tシャツ تيشيرت Футболка artprint badge لندن london londres londra Лондон cartoon retro chararcterdesign popculture geek nerd goodfeeling jackslater runningman benrichards therunningman stephenking richardbachman scifi keynote appleeduchat youcanbemyhero stcyreschat mechamarch2019 drawingchallenge terminator t800 barbarian hyborianage swordandsorcery comics dcuniverse momoa frazetta redsonja inkwash fantasyart marvel doodles crom digital painting digitalpainting digitalart sketch ipadpro affinityphoto drawing hypedraw hypedrawconan hypedraw2019 jasonmomoa graphic illustrate illustration drawingoftheday photoshop creatives model101 cyberdyne schwarzenegger films cinema hollywood sciencefiction scifiart artwork vectorart vectorillustration gun robot pokemon

Check out these new international posters for (2019).

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Mecha March Day 27: T800 Terminator

So, I messed up on the list & put the T1000 cuz I've never watched the Terminator movies & didn't know the difference. I wanted to draw Arnold. XD

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Conan. All he wants from Crom is his revenge. Is that too much to ask?

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Rogue blasts up the skull show this month with his tribute to the classic with this Model 101. https://t.co/8plaXrL6AH

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