(Vol. 1, 2018) cover by


2 23

Gabriel Delmas !
Quatrième de couverture de
"Circé la Magicienne", à paraître en août

16 114

DesucOnline 2.0 kunniavieraina tänä kesänä nähdään kolme animetuotannon uuden sukupolven ammattilaista! Kunniavierasohjelmassa kuullaan animetuotannon arjesta ja alan nykytilasta rennon paneelikeskustelun muodossa.

12 40

"Unlimited rice pudding..." next up it's the 7th Doctor, my favourite classic series Doctor, in his darker season 26 jacket

3 25

강다니엘 마스크
05월 17 월요일 오후 2시 ~ 5 월 31일 오후 11시 59 분까지
사전 예판 11 번가 단독

628 782

Those who will purchase Mask have the chance to win these gifts through a raffle

1. Signed KIT (5)
2. Signed Albums (10)

Winners to be announced on June 2 (Wed)

❤ + 📝


74 103

강다니엘마스크 구매하시는 분들 중
추첨을 통해 아래 선물을 보내드립니다.

1. KIT 친필싸인 5명(기명)
2. 친필 싸인앨범 10명(무기명)

6월 2일 (수) 당첨자 발표 예정
(당첨자에게 문자를 통하여 개별 공지)

1001 1209

Acquis au milieu du XIXe siècle par Fortunato Selmas, longtemps attribué à différents peintres italiens, cet Hannibal franchissant les Alpes est la première œuvre connue de Goya. Prêtée au en 1993 après sa redécouverte, puis entre 2011 et 2017, il rejoint le musée

1 12

Haven’t been able to draw lately so here’s some old Willhelmas and Teos

1 11

Fellow artists with crushworthy OCs, do you ever stop and think about how you're creating some of the next generation's childhood crushes? The new Velmas, Gadgets, Ravens, Frankies, etc. OCs that current followers will look back on in 20 years and make childhood crush lists of?

14 81

Concept art of a helmasaur if I had to re-work it for a new Zelda game. Complete with hookshot and a way to get them to reveal their quail crest weak spot.

91 320

‘The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past’
Super Nintendo

10 83