1年ぶりに みんなで呼んでいただきました👱🏾‍♀️👩🏾‍🦰👨🏿‍🦰👩🏾‍🦱👩🏿‍🦳👱🏾‍♀️


1 3

God & Monsters. Mi primer fan art 🙇🏻‍♀️

10 13

Not gonna lie but Drew is actually my and I used to love him so much ohgodanndand

0 2

Sooo many 🔥🔥 to choose from tonight!

Writer & scholar Eve L. Ewing discusses the influence of black feminist ideas on her work ➕ celebrate the past and future of with their ➕ MORE

View the lineup: https://t.co/NEVqQCvypa

4 5

📰 Attention Duelists, dates & locations for the following events have been updated.

▶️ Launch Events - https://t.co/D84V8SX7FY

▶️ Sneak Peek - https://t.co/zCQvT6Br7B

▶️ Nationals - https://t.co/Bcp8KZq4ig

14 51

Animetronic? 4 pix your fav Mecha Anime (Requested topic, DM if you have one). Evangelion, Macross, GoDannar, GundamWing

4 16

When people say "you're too old to watch anime"

(via GODANNAR https://t.co/ICzpI6rqHa)

19 91

Stream heute war recht produktiv. sind grob fertig, erste Farben sind gesetzt. Und eine ungefähre Idee des Hintergrunds gibt es auch schon.

0 1

Thanks for all your hard work y’all ToT I love you guys, Godantori ((ABG UNITE)) ❤️

3 16

OTSUKARESAMA MY GODAN+TORI TEAM! Thanks for the hard work 🥳🥳🥳

6 28

I just found out there's a sub-fandom in which Killmonger exclusively talks through anime references and I am living for it.


29 94

Non è il mondan romore altro ch’un fiato
di vento, ch’or vien quinci e or vien quindi,
e muta nome perché muta lato.
(canto XI)

19 23

E ‘l tronco suo gridò: perché mi schiante?
Ricominciò a gridar: perché mi scerpi?
Non hai tu spirto di pietate alcuno?
Uomini fummo, ed or sem fatti sterpi;
Ben dovrebb’esser la tua man più pia


Salvador Dalí

46 59