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Talk about the elephant in the room, this elephant and fly piece I did back in 2014 has all new meaning this week! 🐘🦟🇺🇸 #voteblue #bidenharris2020 #mikepence #elephantintheroom #pencefly2020 #thefly #dragracefanart #bendelacreme #dariennelake #vpdebate2020 #michaeldimotta
It's the Horrific "Double Feature" that team #BidenHarris2020
Must conquer to save America!! Your Vote will make the difference!
@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
#Vote2020 #thisisvector #artversuscovid19 #mexifunk https://t.co/c5OV44tghg
The fly that landed on Pence during the debate said what he said 🥵🦟 #cursed #VicePresidentialDebate #BidenHarris2020
For All Women and America #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2020 #Democrats
Because I love ya, I created this little animation to encourage you ALL to GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!! Our democracy depends on it! #VOTE #VoteEarly #VoteBidenHarris2020
I just posted the Top Ten most reprinted cartoons of the week - here's the #1 cartoon, by John Darkow
See them all at: https://t.co/NG7tXfmG2c
Subscribe: https://t.co/Q9T1TWi9rw
#VOTE #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut2020 #Election2020 #ElectionDay
My debate cartoon, "Make America Flush Again" #election2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris #KamalaHarrisVP #KamalaHarris #ChrisWallace @CNNOpinion #MSNBCDecision2020 #Debates2020 #Debate2020 #TrumpDebateDisaster
Joe Biden tells Trump what we’ve all thought for 5 years. #WillYouShutUpMan #shutupman #Debate2020 #Clown #Debates2020 #Election2020 #JoeBiden #BidenHarris2020 @JoeBiden
Debatable choice.
#kamalaharris #bidenharris2020 #biden2020 #joebiden #sleepyjoe #uspolitics #politicalsatire
Happy Saturday, friends
I’m voting #BidenHarris2020
Charcoal/pastels drawing
Thank you for all you did #RuthBaderGinsburg we will fight on! I wanted to capture the young RBG who broke down barriers #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue #RBG #RBGForever #Ruthkanda #RBGRevolution #NotoriousRBG #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteForRBG
@sdr_medco @Jack_Tracey @RhymesRadical @faridghalili @Atrumphater @HellBentVet @customcore7 @idew2 @BCOOL333 @RoseSage6 @4a_of @blueheartedly @Back_dafucup @doxie53 @Texy_Liz @Samiknowsbest1 @Endgame2021 @zette68 @uflo5 excellent list Sheila - thank you for including me again.
#BuildBackBetter #BidenHarris2020
@DoingJack @BBWave2020 @Alexarenee1 @KathleenChu5 @Scottc3po187 @JPerschino
@Atrumphater @angenola @JamesrossrJames
@LRPow79 @Sonya_TN @Claudiababyg
For the FIRST time in its 175 year history, Scientific American is endorsing a presidential candidate. In a time when everything is unprecedented, this is UNPRECEDENTED!
@Drstevenhobbs https://t.co/fe0wpbmzoY
@doxie53 @LepapillonBlu @Claudiababyg @bamableu @zimraniaxy @ZACKHAMMER7 @janicezamora_ @YetiEye @Welshsprout @Djangomydog @BrenSumner @Endgame2021 @YASHIKRAM @MDomino07 @Rosie_wearamask @WOsrin @KellyBmoreAlt1 @gr8fulchik @drodvik52 sorry I missed this last night. Hope your weekend is going well!
@KimberlyNFoster I like to think of it as $6.58 a day so it feels more insulting. At least the wealthiest Americans received a tax break. #BidenHarris2020