The members of this family found in TN grow as either woody vines (lianas) w/ opposite, compound leaves & yellow or red flowers or as trees w/ simple, entire leaves & white to yellow flowers. Tomorrow we’ll begin w/ the vines!

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Hello everyone, hows quarintine? Isnt it the perfect time to sit back and play some ? Or maybe to Learn about some new card art by ? Really talented artist who helped re imagine Ellianas crashing scene...falling that far mustve hurt yea?

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Spiritmandering is an emotional practice. Just a song shifts the heart, emotions can shift etherea itself.

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Per e per tutti quelli che volano sopra i fili spinati. La farfalla della bambina di Terezin.

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“There is a balance in Realm of True Spirit, that all mourners must strive to understand.”

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Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, Malavestros and Ellianastis prepare for a battle not of blades but of wits. Will the manic jester of The Underworld be able to out maneuver The Great Oracle herself? Cast your votes below.

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Members of the Aristolochiaceae are magnoliids with bisexual, sometimes tubular & have parts in multiples of 3. They can be low herbaceous plants or lianas (woody, climbing vines); have simple, alternate leaves; & fruit that are capsules.

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Mil años y aún espero por otra temporada de Hetalia 😔💕

Dibujito de mis wawas italianas para pasar las penas.

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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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