“What knowledge could your future hold, that the past could not reveal?”


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Spiritmandering is an emotional practice. Just a song shifts the heart, emotions can shift etherea itself.


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“There is a balance in Realm of True Spirit, that all mourners must strive to understand.”


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Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, Malavestros and Ellianastis prepare for a battle not of blades but of wits. Will the manic jester of The Underworld be able to out maneuver The Great Oracle herself? Cast your votes below.

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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, resident rogue Malavestros faces off against otherwordly Ellianastis.

Will the lowly fool's trickery prevail against the oracle's murmuring? Cast your votes in the comments below.

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Ellianastis has always found a way to soothe the pain the young Valkyrie carries. While Gethsemoni serves as Kier's mother, the Oracle serves as her guiding light.

What brings you peace?

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Ellianastis has always found a way to soothe the pain the young Valkyrie carries. While Gethsemoni serves as Kier's mother, the Oracle serves as her guiding light. What brings you peace?

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