Bamba Sutherland (1869-1957). Fille de Dhulîp Singh et de Bamba Müller. Soeur de la suffragette Sofia Duleep Singh. Grandit en Angleterre. Qd elle voyage à Lahore, elle raconte avoir vécu « comme une étrangère dans le royaume de son père ».
➡️Dhulîp Singh, par F-X. Winterhalter.

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In my new series, I'll be sharing illustrated pages of the 19 women profiled in "Women Win the Vote!" First up is Lucretia Mott, who is considered the mother of the suffrage movement. But did you know that her activism began when she started a fire in a hotel?!?

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With tales of Indian soldiers recuperating at the Royal Pavilion, Suffragettes, paranormal legends, conscientious objectors & families torn apart by conflict, Graphic War focuses on the impact of WW1 on home life.

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in 1947 the acclaimed theatre director Edith Craig died aged 77. She campaigned for suffrage, a National Theatre & Little Theatre. She also turned into a museum and its barn into a theatre. Her final words were ‘who put out the light?’.

©National Trust

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Suffragettes were Edwardian ladies of the early 1900s who had protested and battled with the government of their day to win the vote.

Learn more about them in David Roberts' Suffragette: The Battle for Equality

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Aujourd’hui c’est le premier tour des élections Pour les enfants de 7 à 11 ans, on décrypte ce qu’est une liste électorale, le rôle du maire et le suffrage universel >>

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On take this time to remember the countless women who were ignored, publicly humiliated, beaten, and imprisoned, who starved themselves until the vote was secured, and who died just for women’s suffrage; the right to vote. Honor them by voting.

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Happy In Opal Plumstead by Opal gets to see suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst give a speech! Which woman from history would you love to meet?

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The extradition bill is just the last straw, the root cause is the continuous erosion of freedom in Hong Kong
CCP doesn't keep its words to implement universal suffrage in Hong Kong, we don't have autonomy, this is what HKers are fear of

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Suffragette & writer May Sinclair wrote of Anne Bronte's The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall that 'the slamming of Helen's bedroom door against her husband reverberated throughout Victorian England'

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Remembering suffragette, editor & philosopher of language Dora Marsden, BOTD 1878. She founded The Freewoman magazine for dissenting voices in suffrage movement & went on to champion new writing by Ezra Pound, TS Eliot, Amy Lowell & others

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This is an interesting photograph of a suffrage procession that I found uncatalogued in the Women's Library . Is it the NUWSS procession in 1908? You can just see a sign to Florence Nightingale at the back.

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l'Hebdo : Les élections se dérouleront le dimanche 15 mars et le dimanche 22 mars. Qu’est-ce qu’une liste électorale? Quel est le rôle du maire? C'est quoi le suffrage universel? On répond à toutes ces questions >>

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🇺🇸🗳️ Sur 53% des bureaux de vote dépouillés, en tête au premier tour (34,4%), loin devant (17,5%), (15,9%) et (13,2%). Au tour final, rassemble 40,4% des suffrages, preuve qu'il attire une partie de l'électorat des candidats modérés.

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17 février1898: meurt Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard, enseignante américaine, suffragette. Présidente de la Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

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Not only PolyU, but also CUHK & HKBU & CityU & HKU.... They had turned over half of universities in HK as battlefields.

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FREE art workshops for middle and high school students 's Art Week - Feb. Vacation. Make jewelry, draw whale skeletons, make a ship model, or create something for Centennial of Registration required. Info at

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