Cuz Pagumon is a bit too simple, I made two and added Zurumon as well. Also a bonus Gizamon as exclusive kofi artwork.

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I swear man, if the next Digimon movie doesn’t have Agumon digivolve into Victorygreymon imma be hella confused. What else could they possibly do with Agumon at this point?

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Ilustración terminada de Agumon y Taichi

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Agumon's design evolution!!

LCD from Digital Monsters, 1997.
Unused design by Kenji Watanabe, 1997.
Tenya Yabuno's design from Digimon King, 1997.
Final design by Kenji Watanabe.

30 97

Hace unos años intente ver pero fue tan aburrido que no pase de los 3 o 4 capítulos, hoy le daré una segunda oportunidad solo por y 💪😃
Acompáñame en la Reacción y Critica: 👈

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I drew agumon from memory on the plane the other day and I actually remembered him pretty well

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Got back into using Blender so I rendered some Agumons as practice

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This is a collab that and me have done in dedication to the anniversary of Agust, 1st.The day that chosen kids left to the Digiworld for the first time evah!

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Good night! I can't wait to work on agumon tomorrow and play more fire emblem :3

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Happy Odaiba Memorial Day ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤

Nunca lo olvidéis: por mucho dolor, dejarlo atras y abrid vuestras alas para volar como una hermosa mariposa

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Un día como hoy, 01 de Agosto de 1999, 8 niños elegidos empezaron el viaje mas maravillo que tuve el agrado de ver, feliz

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Digimon hype! With the upcoming movie and Survive I’ve been pretty hyped! What’s your favorite Digimon season?

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Best poke o boy Agumon! A Pokémon so Pokémon that he is not a Pokémon!!

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i needed a little bit of practice with reptiles so i drew an agumon

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